Does Refractory Cement Crack?

Sep 13, 2024

Does Refractory Cement Crack?

   Refractory cement is a crucial material used in high-temperature industries such as steel production, kilns, and furnaces. Its ability to withstand extreme heat and mechanical stress makes it an essential component in industrial construction. However, a common question that arises is: Does refractory cement crack? The answer depends on several factors, including installation, usage, and maintenance.

   In this article, we will explore the conditions that can lead to cracking, how to prevent it, and why refractory cement remains one of the strongest and most reliable materials for high-temperature applications.

refractory repair cement

What is Refractory Cement?

   Before diving into the topic of cracking, it’s important to understand what refractory cement is. Unlike ordinary cement, refractory cement is specifically designed to withstand extreme temperatures, often up to 1600°C (2912°F) or more. Composed of materials like alumina, silica, and calcium aluminate, it is used in the construction of furnaces, kilns, incinerators, and other structures exposed to high heat.

   Refractory cement has thermal stability, chemical resistance, and mechanical strength, making it an ideal material for lining structures that must endure both high temperatures and physical wear.

Why Does Refractory Cement Crack?

   While refractory cement is engineered to be durable, under certain conditions, it can crack. Here are some common reasons why this might happen:

  1. Thermal Expansion and Contraction
    Thermal cycling—the rapid heating and cooling of a material—can place stress on refractory cement. When exposed to sudden temperature changes, the cement expands and contracts. If the structure is not designed to accommodate this movement, cracking may occur. This is known as thermal shock, and it’s one of the most common reasons for cracks in refractory cement.

  2. Improper Installation
    Installation plays a major role in the longevity of refractory cement. Incorrect mixing ratios, inconsistent drying times, or poor application can lead to structural weaknesses that cause the cement to crack. It is critical to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure proper installation and minimize the risk of cracks.

  3. Mechanical Stress
    In some high-temperature environments, refractory cement can be subjected to mechanical loads or impacts that exceed its designed limits. For example, furnaces and kilns may experience movement or pressure from equipment, causing the cement to crack if it is not properly reinforced or installed.

  4. Moisture Exposure
    If water is present in the environment before the cement has completely cured, it can weaken the structure and lead to cracking. Moisture penetration can cause thermal stresses when the cement is later exposed to high heat, as the trapped moisture vaporizes and expands within the material.

How to Prevent Cracking in Refractory Cement?

   Preventing cracks in refractory cement requires careful attention to installation, application, and maintenance. Here are some strategies to help avoid issues:

  • Proper Installation: Ensure the correct mixing ratios and application techniques are followed. This includes allowing sufficient time for curing and drying before exposing the cement to high heat.
  • Gradual Heating: Avoid exposing the cement to sudden, extreme temperature changes. Gradually increase the heat during the initial use to allow the cement to adjust and expand uniformly, reducing the risk of thermal shock.
  • Use of Expansion Joints: In high-temperature applications, it's essential to incorporate expansion joints into the structure. These joints allow the refractory cement to expand and contract with temperature changes, preventing cracks from forming.
  • Moisture Control: Keep the cement dry during the curing process and avoid exposure to water or moisture before it has fully set. Using a moisture-resistant barrier can help protect the cement in environments where humidity is a concern.

Is Refractory Cement Still Reliable?

   Despite the potential for cracking under certain conditions, refractory cement is still one of the most reliable materials for high-temperature industrial applications. When properly installed and maintained, it offers unmatched durability, thermal resistance, and longevity.

The cement’s chemical stability and resistance to high temperatures make it a preferred choice for furnaces, kilns, boilers, and other equipment exposed to extreme heat. Cracking can often be avoided with proper care and attention to installation procedures.

Conclusion: Does Refractory Cement Crack?

   While refractory cement can crack under certain conditions—such as rapid temperature changes, improper installation, or mechanical stress—these issues can be mitigated with careful installation and usage. By following best practices, including gradual heating, proper mixing, and the use of expansion joints, you can ensure the cement remains strong and functional for years to come.

   For more information on high-quality refractory cement, visit our product page and discover the durable solutions we offer for industrial needs.

Product parameters:


Brand 708A 708S 708W 708B 708C 708K
Refractory cement Types Usual range Specification limit Usual range Specification limit Usual range Specification limit
SiO2, % 7.8-8.3 ≤9.0 7.0-7.5 ≤8.0 5.0-5.5 ≤6.0
Al203, % 50.0-51.0 ≥50.0 50.5-51.5 ≥50.0 53.5-54.5 ≥53.0
Fe203, % 1.5-2.5 ≤3.0 1.5-2.5 ≤3.0 1.5-2.0 ≤3.0
R20, % - ≤0.5 - ≤0.5 - ≤0.5
S-, % - ≤0.2 - ≤0.2 - ≤0.2
CI-, % - ≤0.06 - ≤0.06 - ≤0.06
325M(%) - ≤20 - ≤15 - ≤8
Specific surface areas, ㎡/kg - ≥320 - ≥350 - ≥380
Setting time, min            
Initial setting time IS 50-120 ≥30 50-120 ≥30 150-210 ≥150
Final setting time FS 90-180 ≤360 120-210 ≤360 210-300 ≤360
Flexural strength, Mpa            
1d - ≥5.5 - ≥6.5 - ≥8.5
3d - ≥6.5 - ≥7.5 - ≥9.5
Compressive strength, Mpa            
1d 45-55 ≥40 50-60 ≥50 70-75 ≥70
3d 50-60 ≥50 60-65 ≥60 80-85 ≥80

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